var i18n_string={"password.expired":"Your password has expired. Please change the password and try again.","password.notcorrect":"The username or password is not correct ","password.retry":"Please, try again.","":"I DON'T KNOW MY USERNAME","recover.password":"RECOVER PASSWORD","":"To retrieve you password, enter your username or your employee ID number:","":"My
password","recover.password.text.notice":"Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.","":"Employee Number or Username","support.mail":"Support email address","single.use.code":"Activation code",password:"Password","password.repeat":"Repeat password","":"Enter your new password:","":"Enter your new password:","support.title":"TECHNICAL SUPPORT","captcha.text":"Text","index.title":"| Welcome to INDITEX |","index.welcome":"Welcome to","index.user":"User","index.password":"Password","index.readAndAccept":"I have read and accept the","index.termsAndConditions":"terms and conditions","recover.user":"RECOVER USERNAME","":"To show you your username,
please enter your employee number and country.","recover.user.number":"Employee Number","btn.continue":"CONTINUE","btn.cancel":"CANCEL","btn.send":"SEND","btn.accept":"ACCEPT","btn.close":"Close","":"Select the country where you work","captcha.label":"Captcha","conditions.title":"LEGAL NOTICE AND TERMS OF USE","conditions.text":'You are accessing a Management Information System (hereinafter, the "System") the property of INDUSTRIA DE DISE\u00D1O TEXTIL, S.A. (INDITEX, S.A.) (hereinafter, "INDITEX"). Access and use of such system is exclusively permitted to authorized individuals.

The use of such System and platforms supporting it, is governed by these terms and conditions (hereinafter, the "Terms and Conditions") as well as by any supplemental or specific terms and conditions which will govern the use of particular features and functionalities of the System for each case. Use of the System and the platforms supporting it entails full and unconditional acceptance by the user of these Terms and Conditions and of the specific terms and conditions in force from time to time. INDITEX reserves the right, without any prior notice to the users, to amend the Terms and Conditions, as well as any other applicable terms, use guidelines, directions or warnings [and will post any amendments or updates of this page]. It is the user\'s responsibility to regularly check those terms for any updates or amendments.

The information accessed through this channel is confidential and should it include any personal data, it shall be subject to the security and secrecy obligations laid down in the current laws and regulations on personal data protection, as well as, where appropriate, to such obligations arising from the relevant contractual relationships, of which the Group informs all its employees, suppliers, contributors and, generally, any person, whether natural and/or legal, with which it engages in any relationship that entails access by such person to its information systems.

The use of the system or its applications for any purposes other than those provided in each case and specified in these terms is not permitted.

In order to access and to use the restricted access areas, the user shall identify himself or herself in accordance with instructions provided in such System areas. Users shall at all times ensure that their login details comply with the corporate rules and policies keep their password secure at all times and such login details shall not be shared with any third party. Users shall be responsible for any activity that takes place on their account whilst they are logged in, in addition to any undue use, assignment, disclosure or loss of their personal login details.

INDITEX shall not be responsible for any misuse of the System and its contents, such use being the exclusive responsibility of the users. Likewise, INDITEX shall not be responsible for any information shown in any web pages of third parties which may be accessed through any links included in the System, nor for any damages which may arise from any technical malfunction or any software failure occurred during the connection to the Internet, and for any damages which may be caused by any third parties through any illegal interference beyond INDITEX\'S control.

INDITEX reserves the right for any reason and at any time, without any prior notice to the users, to alter, remove, grant or restrict access to the System and/or the any related applications, as well as the contents on such applications (in each case whether on a temporary or on a permanent basis).

These Terms and Conditions (and any other terms of use associated with specific functionalities of the System) should be read in conjunction with all other policies relevant to the use of the System including but not limited to the INDITEX Code of Conduct and Responsible Practices. These policies are available on the Intranet and all users are expected to familiarise themselves with them. Any user breaching these Terms and Conditions and any other terms of use for the System including such policies may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the relevant Inditex Group company\'s internal policies and procedures, including without limitation the Disciplinary Policy, in force from time to time.

INDITEX is the owner (or the licensee as the case may be) of all intellectual property rights in the System, and in the material published on it. Those works are protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved. Users must not use any part of the content of the System for commercial purposes and shall not copy or reproduce any part of the System without prior consent of INDITEX, with the exception that users may print off one copy or download extracts, of any page(s) from the System for their personal use and users may draw the attention of others within INDITEX to content posted on the System. If a user prints off, copies or downloads or uses any part of the System in breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Users right to use the System will cease immediately and the User must, at the option of INDITEX, return or destroy any copies of the materials the user has made.

\u00A9 INDITEX, S.A.

',"":"The user does not have a personal email address or phone number. Please contact support.","":"We will send you an Activation Code for a single-use.


","":"If this contact information is incorrect,
please inform us.","":"We have sent a message with your Activation Code.
This might take one minute.
","":"A password is safe when it contains 8 characters and it combines lowercase, uppercase and numbers. Remember that you can not repeat any of the previous 12 passwords, or use your name and/or surname (or parts of them).","":"Remember that your password must include numbers and letters (both capital and lower case).","":"Your password has been successfully saved.
You will need this password and username to log into

","":"Have you got a problem?

If you have a problem, question or suggestion,
please contact us.


The support email address is:
","":"Please select a country","":"Please select an option for sending the PIN","":"Please contact support.","":"Your User name is ","":"Try to remember this information","enter.captcha":"Enter the text","error.find.user.external":"The requested username does not correspond to an Inditex user.","error.password.repeat":"The passwords do not match.","error.password.notChanged":"It was not possible to change the password.","error.internal":"Internal Error","error.user.not.valid":"The username is not valid.","error.required.field":"Required field","pwd.validator.title":"Password must meet the following conditions:","pwd.validator.lowerCaseMsg":"Characters in lower-case (f.e. a, b...)","pwd.validator.upperCaseMsg":"Characters in upper-case (f.e. A, B...)","pwd.validator.invalidCharsMsg":"Does not contain wrong characters","pwd.validator.minSizeMsg":"It has or more characters","pwd.validator.numberMsg":"Numbers (f.e. 1, 2...)","pwd.validator.nameMsg":"Does not contain your Firstname or Lastname","pwd.validator.invalidPassMsg":"The password you have entered is insecure","":"To retrieve you password, enter your username:","":"Username","index.title":"| Welcome to INDITEX |","index.welcome":"Welcome to","index.requestUser":"Request your user","":"To show you your username, please enter your personal ID or your company ID and country.","recover.user.number":"Personal ID or company ID","":"Enter your email address","error.mail":"Email field is not valid","":"Download the App INET","":"Available for",};